Examples of such content include live audio or video broadcast streams, links to secure account information or transactions, and large data streams. 这样的内容包括音频或视频的实时转播流、安全帐户信息或事务的链接和大型数据流。
When you want to live in Beijing have you ever take its expensive living cost into account. 当你决定在北京定居时,你有没有把它过于昂贵的生活费计算在内?
I find it enough to live, without spinning lies to account for life. 我觉得用不着编造谎话去说明生活,就足以过日子了。
Of course, we haven't yet asked ourselves, how should you live? if you recognize and take into account those facts? 当然,我们还没有问自己,你该怎样活着,如果你认识到了并考虑了这些事实?
Before putting the robot on the market for grabs he tested it on his live account on which he claims to have earned over$ 100,000. 在市场上待价而沽的机器人,他测试他的真实账户上,他声称已经超过10万美元获得。
Please submit this form if you wish to change your live account password. 如需修改真实帐户密码,请提交此申请表。
If we live in the savings-glut world, the US current account deficit is protecting the world from deep recession. 如果我们是生活在储蓄过剩的世界中,那么美国的经常账户赤字保护着全球经济免于陷入严重的萧条之中。
The world people live in is a world of words, not functions, and many real phenomena might be more easily analyzed if we take this into account. 人们所生存的世界是一个语言的世界,而不是函数的世界。这样考虑的话很多真实现象其实是可以更容易被分析的。
The gender imbalance is further exacerbated if the hundreds of thousands of foreign domestic workers who live and work in the city are taken into account. 如果把在香港生活和工作的数十万外籍家庭佣工考虑在内,这种性别失衡就会进一步加剧。
It means nobody will be able to live here on account of the smell. A rotten egg is a regular stink bomb. 也就是说没有人可以在那种味道之下生存。一枚被孵坏了的蛋,通常来说,等同于一枚臭水炸弹。
Know thy ideal, and live to that. For, each soul must give account for its own self. 明了你的理想,并活出你的理想。因为每一个灵魂必须为自己负责。
Since the19th century, many artists have chosen to live in Provence, on account of the light; but Paul C é zanne, one of the greatest of the Impressionists, was actually a native of Aix en Provence. 自19世纪以来,许多艺术家因着此地的荣光选择居住在普罗旺斯,但是最伟大的印象派画家之一保罗·塞尚⑤则是地地道道的普罗旺斯埃克斯人。
These are very valuable resources for "poor" and SMART traders who would like to hone their trading skills with'play'money before opening a live trading account and risking real money. 所有的服务都是免费的,很多“穷人”或聪明人都是先万模拟账号后才玩真钱。
But witnesses live in the complicated social net of relationship, there are individual divergences in the dimensionality of morality. So the system of witness ought to take the demand into account. 然而证人本身也是处于复杂的社会关系网中,在道德维度上存在着个体差异,证人制度也应当对这种需求予以考虑。
At least a hundred million people live without even a shelter all over the world, and among those who live in absolute poverty women account for70%. In China, there still exists the inequity of housing distribution on male and female. 全世界,有至少一亿人口生活在没有遮掩的环境下,处境绝对贫困的人群中妇女占到百人之七十;在中国,在住房的分配上也存在很多男女不平等的现象。
For the live video events, video on demand and file download, the streaming media service has taken account of most of the traffic network, with the different application of the streaming media service, the character of the streaming service is different. 面对赛事直播、视频点播和文件下载等流媒体占据网络大部分流量现象,伴随着流媒体业务的应用的不同,其表现出的特征也有所不同。